Michigan Cremation & Funeral Care is the State’s Trusted VFC Provider
Featured or preferred providers of the Veterans Funeral Care network are trusted members that are known in their communities for providing quality care and compassionate funeral services. The VFC featured providers have also received additional training to better equip their staff to administer all aspects of the funeral and cremation process for your Veteran. Michigan Cremation & Funeral Care is Michigan’s premier provider of funeral and cremation services.
Michigan Cremation & Funeral Care, in business since December of 2007, is Grand Rapids premier provider of full funeral and cremation services, including simple cremation, church funerals, and cemetery ceremonies. The President and Founder, Robert Christiansen, believes that traditional mortuaries are inflating their fees and charging too much for memorial services due to their growing overhead, and they fail to listen to what families want. He chose to start a family-owned, state licensed funeral establishment that was proud to offer the services that the people wanted and needed: dependable and affordable funeral and cremation services. The staff is dedicated to providing dignified funeral and burial options at prices that are affordable.
As the exclusive Veterans Funeral Care provider in West Michigan, we are proud to offer our services to all eligible United States Veterans. The dedicated staff of Michigan Cremation & Funeral Care is grateful for the unselfish service and sacrifice each Veteran and their families have made. We show our gracious gratitude through compassionate and friendly funeral planning services. Our staff have received additional training and will offer special services to help you take advantage of Veteran’s National Cemetery benefits, filing for Social Security, life insurance, as well as paperwork to assure Military burial benefits. This includes customary services for a cemetery committal ceremony, the choice of a quality American-made casket, grave liners, markers, and perpetual care fees.
Michigan Cremation & Funeral Care, as a featured provide of VFC, is prepared to help you and your family with a custom and memorable service for your Veteran. Our caring and knowledgeable staff will be there for you every step of the way, offering pre-planning services, or at the time of death. Our commitment to the communities of Western Michigan and our nation’s Veterans have positioned us as the preferred funeral and cremation provider in the state.