How to Tell Your Family You Would Prefer Cremation Services

Posted August 10, 2020

cremation services in Clearwater, FL

Did you recently decide that cremation services in Clearwater, FL are a better option for you than burial services? If so, one of the things you’re going to want to consider doing is pre-planning cremation services for yourself at a funeral home that allows people to do this. It’ll give you an opportunity to get your cremation plans on paper. You should also plan to speak with your family about your final wishes so that you’re all on the same page.

This can be a little bit of a nerve-racking experience for some people. They’re not sure how their families are going to react to them talking about how they want to be cremated and not buried. But it’s a step that you can take as long as you’re willing to go about it in the right way. Find out how to tell your family you would prefer cremation services over burial services below.

Set aside some time to speak specifically about cremation with them.

When you tell your family that you would like to have a Clearwater, FL cremation performed instead of a burial, you shouldn’t do it in passing. You should set aside some time to discuss it with them to show how serious you are about it. You should carve out an hour or so to talk with your family about how you want to be cremated one day.

Come right out and tell your family you want to be cremated.

Once you and your family sit down to discuss your cremation wishes, you might be tempted to beat around the bush a little bit. There is no great way to say, “I want to be cremated,” other than just coming right out and saying it. So rather than stalling, be blunt and direct with your family. Let them know that you’ve brought them together to tell them about your cremation plans and state your reasons for wanting to go with cremation clearly.

Prepare to answer the questions your family might have.

In some cases, families aren’t going to do anything other than shrug when their family members tell them they want to be cremated. But in others, families might be up in arms after finding out that their family member wants to be cremated. Ideally, your family will fall into the first category. But just in case they don’t, you should prepare yourself for the onslaught of questions that are going to come at you. Be ready to answer every single one of them.

Continue to talk with your family about cremation in the future.

You don’t necessarily need to talk to your family about your cremation wishes every other week. But you should communicate with them about cremation every so often, just to reiterate that you still wish to be cremated. It’ll reinforce your initial talk and keep the lines of communication open just in case they have any additional questions or comments for you.

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Have you thought about maybe pre-planning cremation services? Veterans Funeral Care is a Clearwater, FL funeral home that can lend a hand to both veterans and their families and to those who aren’t directly affiliated with the military. Contact us today to get more information on our cremation services.

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