Jack Raymond Ward, 80, of Tampa, FL will receive a full military honors funeral with services at 12:30 PM, Monday, January 14, 2008 at Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, FL. Jack passed away from natural causes on December 30, 2007 at University Community Hospital, Fletcher Avenue in Tampa, FL. He was a native of Bainbridge, GA and a local resident since 1962, when he moved to Tampa from Columbus, GA. He was a retired barber of ?The Barber?s Shop? at Florida and Bearss Avenues in Tampa, FL; attended Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Tampa, FL; served on the USS Willis DE 395 and USS Calcaterra DE 390 in the US Navy as a FC2 during World War II. Jack had a unique passion and talent for restoring classic European sports cars and was a true jazz enthusiast. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Gladys Ward; a son, Charles Ward; a daughter, Rose Ward and son-in-law, Matthew Houser; a sister, Marie and her husband, Thaddeus Sobieski of Atlanta, GA and two grandchildren: Jack Raymond Ward and Charles Lee Ward . The family request that flowers not be sent. VETERANS FUNERAL CARE CLEARWATER, FL 727-467-0922
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Jack Ward

Veterans Funeral Care Jack Ward
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Galdys, Chito y Rosi,
Sentimos mucho la perdida de Jack.
Los tenemos a todos Uds en nuestras oraciones.
Manuel J. Rodriguez y Fam.
Dear Gladys, You’re in my thoughts and prayers in this time of loss and sorrow. It was a privalege and a pleasure to get to konw the both of you. From all your friends at Denny.s.
Dear Gladys, Charles, and Rosie,
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Jack was a very good man and I am sure he will be missed. I feel fortunate to have been a part of your lives for so many years.
Stay strong and take care of each other. I hope to see you all the next time I’m in town.
I wish I still had that ’64 Jag.
Your long time friend in Arizona,
Steve Davis
We are very sorry for your loss. I thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am glad I got to know you and Jack when I moved to the neighorhood. You made me feel very welcome. Please know that I am just a few steps away and will be here for you whenever you need me.
Dear Gladys, Rosie, Chito and family: My heart and prayers are with you as you endure the coming days and weeks. Jack was a good friend to my father for longer than I’ve been alive and I thank him for that. And I can’t think of Jack without picturing him smiling. Stay strong and lean on each other, Jack’s not far away. All my prayers.
Dear Gladys,
Was so sorry to read about Jack. I know how much you all will miss him. You both were such good neighbors. I often think about our many chats we had in the yard. My thoughts and prayers are with you all as I know what a tough time this is.
I will miss you, Jack. You were a true friend, like a brother to me for the 50 years we worked together.
Gladys,Rosie,and Charles
We are so sorry for your loss.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
para mi querida prima gladys, queridos sobrinos chito, rosy, mateo, jackito, y charlie.reciban por este medio mi mas sentido pesame por la inrreparable perdida fisica de jack, ya que en el corazon de quienes lo conocimos y tratatamos siempre estara como una excelente persona, un familiar amable y cariñoso, y un gran amigo, pido a Dios de corazon les reconforte y les de la resignacion y las fuerzas para soportar este dolor. desde aqui les acompaño y les envio un fuerte abrazo y aunque lejos de distancia pero estoy con ustedes aconpañandolos.con afecto. su prima y tia. landy.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Dear Gladys
Our deepest condolences to you and your family for your loss.
Please know that you’re in our thoughts and prayers.
Jan Michael and Rosemarie