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Jeffrey Conyers
Veterans Funeral Care Jeffrey Conyers
After a valiant fight against cancer, Jeffrey Allen Conyers, 47, of Tampa, FL was welcomed into the loving arms of his Savior, Jesus Christ, on Sunday, February 14, 2010. Memorial service is , Sunday, February 21, 2010 at GraceFamilyChurch,
5101 Van Dyke Road, Lutz, FL33558, with Pastors Dee Corbin and Fritz Ruhe officiating. The family will receive friends at the church from on Sunday until service time. A reception at the church will follow.
Jeff was born in Aurora, Colorado in July, 1962, while his father trained in electronics at Denver’s AirForceAcademy. The first of four “Air Force brats”, Jeff traveled the world for the next 15 years, venturing across Germany into France and Belgium, around England into Scotland, and across the United States from several different Air Force bases to visit family in Indiana and Illinois. The Conyers family finally settled in Tampa, Florida, where Jeff graduated from RobinsonHigh School near MacDill AFB. He eventually decided to pursue a career in marketing and graduated from the University of South Florida in 1990 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Jeff worked at his place of employment FTEC, (now unitec) a local printing company, up until he was hospitalized in December, 2009.
Jeff was a trivia buff, and an avid rock-n-roll fan. He kept ticket stubs from every concert he ever attended, and has seen some of his favorite bands several times. His album collection was something to be envied, and his first car, a Plymouth Duster, had 8-track tapes covering the whole back seat. His wit was dry and profound. A true Conyers, he laughed out loud at the Sunday funnies. He read the newspaper from to cover to back, never skipping an edition, even if he was a couple of weeks behind. Sports took precedence over everything else on television.
He met the love of his life, Kathy, while playing on a recreational co-ed softball team. Their love of anything related to sports brought them together, and soon they were attending each others recreational soccer games and became partners on billiards teams and darts teams. They cheered on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers together. Over the years and through all the people they met through their sports affiliations, they developed many long-lasting friendships with people that came to love and respect Jeff. As Kathy says, “Jeff was a very hard person to get to know. But once you got to know him, you couldn’t help but love him. He was a wonderful person.” Jeff and Kathy were married in 1997 and within a year he became a (step)grandpa, the beloved Poppy Jeff.
Raised as a child of God, and departing from His ways as a young man, God had been softly knocking on the door of Jeff’s heart for years. He and Kathy finally decided to start attending service at GraceFamilyChurch in Lutz, where he began attending a weekly Bible study with his wife; meeting with his brother and his brothers-in-Christ once a week for breakfast; and serve the Lord as usher at the church. He truly loved the Lord. His restoration of faith in the love of Jesus Christ gave him strength and peace of mind and heart throughout the battle against cancer and the devastating toll it took on his body in the last months of his life. There is rejoicing throughout the family and circles of friends in the knowledge that Jeff is now pain free and in the presence and loving embrace of his Savior, Jesus Christ, Holy Son of God. The knowledge that we will see him again gives us peace.
Jeff loved his family and is survived by a large and loving one; his wife of twelve years, Mary Kathleen of Tampa, FL; mother, C. Joann Conyers of Tampa, FL; father, Edward Conyers of Ft. Worth, TX; twin sisters Lora Carr and her husband Russell, of Tampa, FL; Lisa Rodgers and her husband Joseph, of Brandon, FL; brother, David Conyers and his wife Suzanne, of Tampa, FL; six nieces and nephews, Justine Conyers-Clift and her husband Chad, Mitchell Carr, Jami Rodgers, Caitlin Carr, Joshua Rodgers, and Kaylee Conyers, all of Tampa, FL; two stepsons/”brothers”, Aaron Lemus, wife Heather and son Andrew, of Tampa, FL; and Anthony Lemus, wife Kristin and six children, Kayla, Emily, Mariah, Olivia, Anthony and Julie of Irving, TX; and many aunts, uncles and cousins across the United States.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that you make contributions to the American Cancer Society in memory of Jeff, or to the family to help offset medical and funeral expenses.
May the memories of Jeff stay warm in our hearts forever.
I’m sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. I went to school with Jeff and although I did not keep in touch with him over the years, I consider him a friend. We attended many rock concerts back in the day and he was fun to be around. May God bless you and your family.
Jeff, will miss you dearly. Especially , all of of our get togethers with the gang. Dude , you were the chow hound. Nobody could eat like Jeff. Going to miss that and what about sleeping sitting up, who can forget the laughs we all had together. Love and prayers to you Kathy and family.
I’m so sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. He was a strong supporter of his neighborhood, Southeast Seminole Heights. I’ll always remember whast he has done to make our neighborhood a better place. He helped with our neighborhood clean-ups, was a member of the Southeast Seminole Heights paint team for Paint Your Heart Out Tampa, Neighborhood Watch, and numerous other activities. I’ll also remeber our talks at frequent neighborhood porch parties. Go Bucs!
Rest in Peace Jeff I will remember fondly all the times with the gang at Scotland Yard. And in recent times when I come over from Scotland to spend time with all my friends and I am honoured to call you one of my friends. All my love to Kathy and her family
Jeff, you were one of the kindest and sweetest people we knew. I am glad your pain is over and you are with ou lord. Prayers to Kathy and the rest of your family.
Patty and Joe Bravo (friends of Ed & Sherry) says:
We are so sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. Though he is in a better place we know you can’t help but miss him very much. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I had the pleasure to work with Jeff for 5 years. What a wonderful, kind and gentle soul he was. He will be deeply missed by all,and now we have no on sight expert for our daily music trivia. God speed Jeffro,we all know what a procastonator you were.
Working with Jeff at Dean Witter, he was a quiet and consciencous worker. We always enjoyed his jokes, and he was certainly avid Bucs fan. Sympathies to all of his family.
Jeff, you will be missed by everyone. We really enjoyed having you as a friend all these 20 years. I am sure all the old crew at Scotland Yard would wish you the same. God speed and we are at least glad you are now without pain. We will keep an eye on Kathy for you. Our sincere condolences to his whole family.
So sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. Even though it has been awhile since I last talked to Jeff, I always thought of him as a close friend. I’ll alway’s remember the concerts and crazy times we had together.
I was sitting here looking at old pictures of you and us that spanned the last 47 years & thought about the fact that you’re not here anymore. It stunned me. I’m still trying to wrap my mind and heart around the fact that you’re gone. I thank God for the opportunity to be (and am very proud to say that I am) your brother and that we were able to be as close as we were in recent years. I’m going to miss you, my brother… Till I see you again.
Kathy, I am so sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. He will be remembered for his intelligence, and his kind and gentle nature. I enjoyed his dry, subtle wit. Back in the day, when you two started dating it was evident from the start yours was a perfect pairing and that it would be a happy marriage. I pray that now during this difficult time your faith and the love you and Jeff have for each other will sustain and comfort you.
For years Jeff was that older, quiet cousin with the rocker hairdo and dry whit that we only saw on family vacations. A few years ago when our grandmother passed away I think we all realized how important it was for us to stay connected as adults better than we had as kids. I only wish I had done a better job. Then I may have known the man that was spoken of at your memorial service. Jeff, I as so proud to say I am related to that wonderful Christian man who fought a valiant fight against that beast we call cancer, never complaining once. I am so glad that you came to have a personal relationship with the Lord and now live eternally with him in heaven. Enjoy your time with Grandma Irene :) until we all are together again. Also tell Mom and my friend Becca (also taken by cancer way to young) that we miss them both. We miss you too, but know that you are feasting at the table with the Lord and loving every minute of it.
You have fought the good fight and run the good race. Well done!
Kathy, we may not know your pain. But, we rejoice in the knowledge of who Jeff was and the influence he had in the name of Christ. Take comfort in that knowledge.
Love, Dawn and family
I miss you Jeff. Your Blend pre-service hugs were often God’s way of showing me His love thru you. Maybe we can Usher together again in Heaven one day…
I miss you Jeff. Your Blend pre-service hugs were often God’s way of showing me His love thru you. Maybe we can Usher together again in Heaven one day…
We join the family with the knowledge that Jeff is not in pain and in the loving arms of the Lord. Ray and I are long time military friends of Ed’s. We met Jeff a long time ago.We watched Jeff and his siblings grow through Ed. Ed and Joann raised wonderful children. We send our love to all. May the Lord comfort all of you in the coming days.
This past month has flown by…we missed seeing you at Kaylee’s 4th birthday party, but I know you were there. You were eyeing the fried catfish, and the horseshoe pit, but especially the chicken ’wangs’. Still catches me off guard WHY you’re not here. Someday I’ll find out. We miss you.
Jeff’s absence is obvious to those who know and love him. Jeff served and blessed so many people in The Blend Service, and we miss not seeing him and his smile there.
Hey Bro, We laid Suzanne’s brother Kenny to rest today. He died exactly 30 days after you did. Keep your eye open for him, you’ll know him when you see him. Y’all have fun. See ya.
We miss you… I was in Washington D.C. this past week, and visited Arlington Cemetary on 414 before leaving for home. What a peaceful place, and very poignant to watch changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I said a prayer that you’re in the company of all those brave soldiers, at peace and enjoying life everlasting.
I think of you often… when I hear a certain song, see a certain place, certain events, foods, memories. What prompted me to finally try to write something here is the “Relay for Life” that is coming up on May 7th, almost 3 months since you’ve been gone. You will be remembered and honored there as well as in my daily life. I wish that this walk would have been a celebration of your beating your cancer, but our Lord had other designs for you and I am glad that you are with Him. You have made an impact on my life more than you know- your strength, your faith, your quiet resolve, and your love for your family. I am proud to do this walk in your honor. I love you and miss you big brother.
Hey Dude, Yesterday marked 4 months since you went to be with Jesus. Still can’t wrap my mind around it. We all just move on… we have to. In some ways I hope it never gets any better so that way you won’t ever fully die. I will miss you dearly till we see each other again. We all miss you.
Hey Dude, Yesterday marked 4 months since you went to be with Jesus. Still can’t wrap my mind around it. We all just move on… we have to. In some ways I hope it never gets any better so that way you won’t ever fully die. I will miss you dearly till we see each other again. We all miss you.
Five months – like Dave said, we move on. Tomorrow would have been your birthday; we’ll miss celebrating with you. We were thinking of you every time we watched a World Cup match these past weeks. You probably had the best seat in the house! And you were probably at last night’s All Star baseball game when the NL won for the 1st time in 14 years (3-1). You were probably backstage when Mitch and the band came in 2nd place in Battle of the Bands. And you probably trekked all over Disney when the kids went for Buddy’s birthday… you may not be with us physically, but you’re with us everywhere and always in spirit and in our hearts. Tell Jesus hello from all of us.
Missing you a lot lately. Man where does the time go. Tomorrow’s your birthday and today marks 5 months. Gonna celebrate Suzanne’s 40th this Sun., every time we get together it just isn’t the same. Miss you bro
Miss you Jeff, I think about you and your warm smile alot. Miss talking about sports with you. You have a wonderful family and are missed by many. Thinking of you.
Miss you Jeff, I think about you and your warm smile alot. Miss talking about sports with you. You have a wonderful family and are missed by many. Thinking of you.
Hi baby. I so miss you lately and wish I could have one of your hugs and kiss your wonderful lips. I look forward to seeing you in heaven. Save a place for me.
Hey dude, 6 months have gone by. Thought everything would have gotten easier by now. Think about you all the time. Was at the mall tonight and saw a picture of KISS in a store window. Made me think of the time when you and I were out in the garage on base and you were trying to blow fire like Gene. It’s a wonder you didn’t burn all your hair off. If Mom knew she wouda had a cow. Man I loved being your brother.
Miss you
Near shady wall a rose once grew,
Budded and blossomed in God’s free light,
Watered and fed by the morning dew,
Shedding it’s sweetness day and night.
As it grew and blossomed fair and tall,
Slowly rising to loftier height,
It came to a crevice in the wall,
Through which there shone a beam of light.
Onward it crept with added strength,
With never a thought of fear or pride,
It followed the light through the crevice’s length,
And unfolded itself on the other side.
The light, the dew, the broadening view,
Were found the same as they were before,
And it lost itself in beauties new,
Breathing its fragrance more and more.
Shall claim of death cause us to grieve,
And make our courage faint and fall?
Nay! Let us faith and hope receive…
The rose still grows beyond the wall,
Scattering fragrance far and wide,
Just as it did in days of yore,
Just as it did on the other side,
Just as it will forevermore..
Selection by A.L. Frink
Jeffrey Allen Conyers, born the first rose of our families bouquet. It has been almost a year now since he went to be with his Heavenly Father and I will never forget him and will always remember him as my beloved son. There hasn’t been a day pass that I haven’t thought of or longed for another conversation like we often shared. I know I will be with him when we are reunited beyond the wall. Our Lord and Savior has made us that promise and I join our whole family looking forward to that day.
I Love You Jeffrey, Dad
It’s been one year, it’s been one day…. it’s all the same. Love & miss you bro.
Your little brother
Veterans Service Bundle (Included in all packages for all veterans)
✔ Dedicated care team with knowledge and understanding of military culture to better relate to and support military families.
✔ Assistance with completion and filing of the VA claim for death reimbursements
✔ Direct referral to your local veteran service officer
✔ Coordinate burial or inurnment at a National Cemetery
✔ Request and arrange military honors and burial flag
✔ Every veteran is cremated with a retired/tattered flag. A star from that flag will be presented to next of kin.
✔ During your time with us, you and your guests are invited to take a peaceful moment in our military museum. This museum, with artifacts and displays honoring those who served, offers each guest a personal and unique experience.
Veterans Service Bundle (Included in all packages for all veterans)
✔ Dedicated care team with knowledge and understanding of military culture to better relate to and support military families.
✔ Assistance with completion and filing of the VA claim for death reimbursements
✔ Direct referral to your local veteran service officer
✔ Coordinate burial or inurnment at a National Cemetery
✔ Request and arrange military honors and burial flag
✔ Every veteran is cremated with a retired/tattered flag. A star from that flag will be presented to next of kin.
✔ During your time with us, you and your guests are invited to take a peaceful moment in our military museum. This museum, with artifacts and displays honoring those who served, offers each guest a personal and unique experience.
Jeff will be forever missed, but will forever be in our hearts!
I’m so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my prayers.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Jeff will be forever remembered and loved by all. I will keep you and your family in my prayers
Godspeed, dear Jeff.
I’m sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. I went to school with Jeff and although I did not keep in touch with him over the years, I consider him a friend. We attended many rock concerts back in the day and he was fun to be around. May God bless you and your family.
Jeff, will miss you dearly. Especially , all of of our get togethers with the gang. Dude , you were the chow hound. Nobody could eat like Jeff. Going to miss that and what about sleeping sitting up, who can forget the laughs we all had together. Love and prayers to you Kathy and family.
I’m so sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. He was a strong supporter of his neighborhood, Southeast Seminole Heights. I’ll always remember whast he has done to make our neighborhood a better place. He helped with our neighborhood clean-ups, was a member of the Southeast Seminole Heights paint team for Paint Your Heart Out Tampa, Neighborhood Watch, and numerous other activities. I’ll also remeber our talks at frequent neighborhood porch parties. Go Bucs!
Rest in Peace Jeff I will remember fondly all the times with the gang at Scotland Yard. And in recent times when I come over from Scotland to spend time with all my friends and I am honoured to call you one of my friends. All my love to Kathy and her family
Jeff, you were one of the kindest and sweetest people we knew. I am glad your pain is over and you are with ou lord. Prayers to Kathy and the rest of your family.
We are profoundly sorry for your loss. May the many good memories of Jeff help ease your sorrow.
Patty and Joe
We are very sorry to hear of your loss (Amanda’s in laws),
may your faith help you cope with your sorrow.
We are so sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. Though he is in a better place we know you can’t help but miss him very much. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I had the pleasure to work with Jeff for 5 years. What a wonderful, kind and gentle soul he was. He will be deeply missed by all,and now we have no on sight expert for our daily music trivia. God speed Jeffro,we all know what a procastonator you were.
Working with Jeff at Dean Witter, he was a quiet and consciencous worker. We always enjoyed his jokes, and he was certainly avid Bucs fan. Sympathies to all of his family.
You were so very fortunate to have each other and I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
Jeff, you will be missed by everyone. We really enjoyed having you as a friend all these 20 years. I am sure all the old crew at Scotland Yard would wish you the same. God speed and we are at least glad you are now without pain. We will keep an eye on Kathy for you. Our sincere condolences to his whole family.
So sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. Even though it has been awhile since I last talked to Jeff, I always thought of him as a close friend. I’ll alway’s remember the concerts and crazy times we had together.
I was sitting here looking at old pictures of you and us that spanned the last 47 years & thought about the fact that you’re not here anymore. It stunned me. I’m still trying to wrap my mind and heart around the fact that you’re gone. I thank God for the opportunity to be (and am very proud to say that I am) your brother and that we were able to be as close as we were in recent years. I’m going to miss you, my brother… Till I see you again.
I am sorry for your loss. Jeff put a good word with God for me. And may your family find peace in knowing you are in a far better place.
Kathy, I am so sorry to hear of Jeff’s passing. He will be remembered for his intelligence, and his kind and gentle nature. I enjoyed his dry, subtle wit. Back in the day, when you two started dating it was evident from the start yours was a perfect pairing and that it would be a happy marriage. I pray that now during this difficult time your faith and the love you and Jeff have for each other will sustain and comfort you.
My condolences to all of Jeff’s family.
For years Jeff was that older, quiet cousin with the rocker hairdo and dry whit that we only saw on family vacations. A few years ago when our grandmother passed away I think we all realized how important it was for us to stay connected as adults better than we had as kids. I only wish I had done a better job. Then I may have known the man that was spoken of at your memorial service. Jeff, I as so proud to say I am related to that wonderful Christian man who fought a valiant fight against that beast we call cancer, never complaining once. I am so glad that you came to have a personal relationship with the Lord and now live eternally with him in heaven. Enjoy your time with Grandma Irene :) until we all are together again. Also tell Mom and my friend Becca (also taken by cancer way to young) that we miss them both. We miss you too, but know that you are feasting at the table with the Lord and loving every minute of it.
You have fought the good fight and run the good race. Well done!
Kathy, we may not know your pain. But, we rejoice in the knowledge of who Jeff was and the influence he had in the name of Christ. Take comfort in that knowledge.
Love, Dawn and family
I miss you Jeff. Your Blend pre-service hugs were often God’s way of showing me His love thru you. Maybe we can Usher together again in Heaven one day…
I miss you Jeff. Your Blend pre-service hugs were often God’s way of showing me His love thru you. Maybe we can Usher together again in Heaven one day…
It’s been three weeks… Miss you bro.
We join the family with the knowledge that Jeff is not in pain and in the loving arms of the Lord. Ray and I are long time military friends of Ed’s. We met Jeff a long time ago.We watched Jeff and his siblings grow through Ed. Ed and Joann raised wonderful children. We send our love to all. May the Lord comfort all of you in the coming days.
This past month has flown by…we missed seeing you at Kaylee’s 4th birthday party, but I know you were there. You were eyeing the fried catfish, and the horseshoe pit, but especially the chicken ’wangs’. Still catches me off guard WHY you’re not here. Someday I’ll find out. We miss you.
Jeff’s absence is obvious to those who know and love him. Jeff served and blessed so many people in The Blend Service, and we miss not seeing him and his smile there.
Hey Bro, We laid Suzanne’s brother Kenny to rest today. He died exactly 30 days after you did. Keep your eye open for him, you’ll know him when you see him. Y’all have fun. See ya.
We miss you… I was in Washington D.C. this past week, and visited Arlington Cemetary on 414 before leaving for home. What a peaceful place, and very poignant to watch changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I said a prayer that you’re in the company of all those brave soldiers, at peace and enjoying life everlasting.
I think of you often… when I hear a certain song, see a certain place, certain events, foods, memories. What prompted me to finally try to write something here is the “Relay for Life” that is coming up on May 7th, almost 3 months since you’ve been gone. You will be remembered and honored there as well as in my daily life. I wish that this walk would have been a celebration of your beating your cancer, but our Lord had other designs for you and I am glad that you are with Him. You have made an impact on my life more than you know- your strength, your faith, your quiet resolve, and your love for your family. I am proud to do this walk in your honor. I love you and miss you big brother.
Hey Dude, Yesterday marked 4 months since you went to be with Jesus. Still can’t wrap my mind around it. We all just move on… we have to. In some ways I hope it never gets any better so that way you won’t ever fully die. I will miss you dearly till we see each other again. We all miss you.
Hey Dude, Yesterday marked 4 months since you went to be with Jesus. Still can’t wrap my mind around it. We all just move on… we have to. In some ways I hope it never gets any better so that way you won’t ever fully die. I will miss you dearly till we see each other again. We all miss you.
Five months – like Dave said, we move on. Tomorrow would have been your birthday; we’ll miss celebrating with you. We were thinking of you every time we watched a World Cup match these past weeks. You probably had the best seat in the house! And you were probably at last night’s All Star baseball game when the NL won for the 1st time in 14 years (3-1). You were probably backstage when Mitch and the band came in 2nd place in Battle of the Bands. And you probably trekked all over Disney when the kids went for Buddy’s birthday… you may not be with us physically, but you’re with us everywhere and always in spirit and in our hearts. Tell Jesus hello from all of us.
Missing you a lot lately. Man where does the time go. Tomorrow’s your birthday and today marks 5 months. Gonna celebrate Suzanne’s 40th this Sun., every time we get together it just isn’t the same. Miss you bro
Miss you Jeff, I think about you and your warm smile alot. Miss talking about sports with you. You have a wonderful family and are missed by many. Thinking of you.
Miss you Jeff, I think about you and your warm smile alot. Miss talking about sports with you. You have a wonderful family and are missed by many. Thinking of you.
Hi baby. I so miss you lately and wish I could have one of your hugs and kiss your wonderful lips. I look forward to seeing you in heaven. Save a place for me.
Hey dude, 6 months have gone by. Thought everything would have gotten easier by now. Think about you all the time. Was at the mall tonight and saw a picture of KISS in a store window. Made me think of the time when you and I were out in the garage on base and you were trying to blow fire like Gene. It’s a wonder you didn’t burn all your hair off. If Mom knew she wouda had a cow. Man I loved being your brother.
Miss you
Near shady wall a rose once grew,
Budded and blossomed in God’s free light,
Watered and fed by the morning dew,
Shedding it’s sweetness day and night.
As it grew and blossomed fair and tall,
Slowly rising to loftier height,
It came to a crevice in the wall,
Through which there shone a beam of light.
Onward it crept with added strength,
With never a thought of fear or pride,
It followed the light through the crevice’s length,
And unfolded itself on the other side.
The light, the dew, the broadening view,
Were found the same as they were before,
And it lost itself in beauties new,
Breathing its fragrance more and more.
Shall claim of death cause us to grieve,
And make our courage faint and fall?
Nay! Let us faith and hope receive…
The rose still grows beyond the wall,
Scattering fragrance far and wide,
Just as it did in days of yore,
Just as it did on the other side,
Just as it will forevermore..
Selection by A.L. Frink
Jeffrey Allen Conyers, born the first rose of our families bouquet. It has been almost a year now since he went to be with his Heavenly Father and I will never forget him and will always remember him as my beloved son. There hasn’t been a day pass that I haven’t thought of or longed for another conversation like we often shared. I know I will be with him when we are reunited beyond the wall. Our Lord and Savior has made us that promise and I join our whole family looking forward to that day.
I Love You Jeffrey, Dad
It’s been one year, it’s been one day…. it’s all the same. Love & miss you bro.
Your little brother