Robert Lee Klavon, 61, of Tampa, FL funeral services are 2:30 PM, Friday, September 18, 2009 at Florida National Cemetery, Bushnell, FL. Robert died on September 4, 2009 at the James A. Haley VA Hospital due to a stroke. He is survived by his loving and adoring wife, Cathy, son, Robert Klavon Jr., and a sister, Karen. Bob proudly served his country in the US Army during the Vietnam War. He was awarded a Purple Heart and a US Army Commendation Medal for 25 Aerial Missions that he flew over hostile country. Bob was a kind, loving and charitable man. He was looking forward to retirement and sailing on his treasured sail boat. His family and friends thank God for the time we had with this American Hero and for the love and devotion he had for his wife, Cathy. Visit to sign the guest book.
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Robert Klavon

Veterans Funeral Care Robert Klavon
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Thank you for being an American hero sir. I felt compelled to leave a guestbook message because you passed away the same day as my Daddy. US Army 1958-1964. Maybe yall will run into each other in Heaven, if you do, tell my Daddy I miss him terribly…..
The greatest Dad and my best friend! I miss you. I’ll catch up with you later Dad! I love you, Rob
Hoist your sails Bob .. it’s the beginning of your greatest journey !
May you find rest, peace, and happiness with those who have gone before you and have been awaiting the time they would be with you again. You will be missed.
Dear Karen and Family,
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your brother and loved one. May the Lord hold you in His tender hands and give you the knowledge that Bob is with Him now. He was a true Military Hero and I thank him for his service to our Country.
Love and Prayers,
Bob: You are a great man and a great friend. You were always there when I needed you or needed someone to talk to. I will miss you dearly.ht9x
Dear Karen and Family,
We are so very sorry for your loss. I do know that God will console and get you through this ordeal. Friends will help too. May God Bless and hold you in his arms.
Love and Blessings
Dan and Patti Wilkerson
Dear Cathy:
I am so sorry to hear about your husband’s, Bob’s, passing. Indeed, yall were together “FOREVER” and will remain so!
May God give you the strength to make it through this most difficult time. I’m sure He will give you the strength you need, Cathy.
Your loving cousin & I love you!
P.S. I didn’t know Bob was an American hero! Like my Daddy, he to was in the Army. Finally, Bob flew 25 aerial misses over hostile territory? He did that for US – FOR EVERYONE THAT HAS THE HONOR AND PRIVILEGE OF BEING AN AMERICAN!!
P.S.S. My heart goes out to all of Bob’s other relatives as well. I never met Bob’s sister or any other relative. I did, however, meet Robbie and, Robbie, I’m sorry for the loss of your father – HANG IN THERE! I know you won’t understand this today, but one day you will: THERE WILL COME A DAY WHEN YOU CAN TALK AND FEEL CLOSE TO YOUR DAD AGAIN – with time you will see that this is true. I speak from personal experience on this one.
Dear Cathy: My thoughts are with you and so is Bob’s. It was really great to see you, just wish it had been under different circumstances. Call me when you feel like talking.
(813) 458-5528
Rest in peace my friend. You were such a great friend, always there to lend a hand. We miss and love you. You are a great American, and we thank you for your service.
Cathy, we regret hearing about Robert’s passing recently. I served as Robert’s insurance agent for several years. We live in Valrico FL and Robert had visited in our home several years ago. Best wishes to you Cathy and please contact me3 if we can be of assistance to you. By the way, I am 64 and have started the awful habit of reading the “Obits” daily; that’s how I knew about Robert. Regards, Jim and Lynn Norton
I am so sorry for your loss, Bob was such a wonderful person and the world will not be the same without him. Bob enjoy the journey! Until we meet again.
Dear Karen and Family, My heartfelt condolences during this trying time in your lives. I am hopeful that life will return to some know that this was a shock to you all. If I can help, please contact me.
Our time together was way too short! Give the family hugs from me. I love and miss you, Your Sister Karen
you will be missed bob much love and i will be missin you gran dad
We miss you dearly……..especially around this time of year Grandpa & Sassy!!!! I hope you enoy the flowers we bring too you guys!!! I Love you and miss you……
Robert ,You don’t and didn’t know me but your son showed me some of your medals as well as I have read of your service to our country and yuor 25 combat missions HAD TO BE nothing less than GIGANTIC FEATS OF BRAVERY ! I thank you as a fellow VietNam Combat Marine who served ! I am trying to guide your son as I have taken a likeing to him ! He is a good man , However the friends he surrounds himself with leave a BIT (Gigantic Bit) to be desired ! I need help ! I would like to git a hold of his MOM To inform her what the goings on consists of as I rent from Him ! If he continues the current path he won’t be able to pay the TAXES and mabe risk loosing ! I don’t know ALL details but Arron is aware of the negative path and told me of the money he is blowing on BAD STUFF ! Please someone Help me get in touch with his MOM so I can see if she is interested ! ARRON said she would be UPSET IF SHE KNEW WHAT WAS TRANSPIREING !Meanwhile sorry BIG ROB as I call your SON YOU REST IN PEACE MY FRIEND and FELLOW SOLDIER ! OOORRAAAAHH ! ! ! SEMPER FI !
Robert ,You don’t and didn’t know me but your son showed me some of your medals as well as I have read of your service to our country and yuor 25 combat missions HAD TO BE nothing less than GIGANTIC FEATS OF BRAVERY ! I thank you as a fellow VietNam Combat Marine who served ! I am trying to guide your son as I have taken a likeing to him ! He is a good man , However the friends he surrounds himself with leave a BIT (Gigantic Bit) to be desired ! I need help ! I would like to git a hold of his MOM To inform her what the goings on consists of as I rent from Him ! If he continues the current path he won’t be able to pay the TAXES and mabe risk loosing ! I don’t know ALL details but Arron is aware of the negative path and told me of the money he is blowing on BAD STUFF ! Please someone Help me get in touch with his MOM so I can see if she is interested ! ARRON said she would be UPSET IF SHE KNEW WHAT WAS TRANSPIREING !Meanwhile sorry BIG ROB as I call your SON YOU REST IN PEACE MY FRIEND and FELLOW SOLDIER ! OOORRAAAAHH ! ! ! SEMPER FI !
Robert ,You don’t and didn’t know me but your son showed me some of your medals as well as I have read of your service to our country and yuor 25 combat missions HAD TO BE nothing less than GIGANTIC FEATS OF BRAVERY ! I thank you as a fellow VietNam Combat Marine who served ! I am trying to guide your son as I have taken a likeing to him ! He is a good man , However the friends he surrounds himself with leave a BIT (Gigantic Bit) to be desired ! I need help ! I would like to git a hold of his MOM To inform her what the goings on consists of as I rent from Him ! If he continues the current path he won’t be able to pay the TAXES and mabe risk loosing ! I don’t know ALL details but Arron is aware of the negative path and told me of the money he is blowing on BAD STUFF ! Please someone Help me get in touch with his MOM so I can see if she is interested ! ARRON said she would be UPSET IF SHE KNEW WHAT WAS TRANSPIREING !Meanwhile sorry BIG ROB as I call your SON YOU REST IN PEACE MY FRIEND and FELLOW SOLDIER ! OOORRAAAAHH ! ! ! SEMPER FI !
OH YEAH ROBERT I saw it on N.C.I.S. Buddie I BID YOU , ” Fair WINDS , and CALM SEAS TO FOLLOW ” in Heaven Pal ! Cathy , I am sorry for your loss when Robert was taken to Heaven so early in his life I see by his age but I know one thing , By what I see and have read both about him , his service and his family ! I am sad that I never got the chance in life to meet him ! I would If it is O K with you , to be able to speak with you regaurding your son Rob ! I had a conversation with Arron the fella who seems to care a lot about your son and what does and does NOT get done around here ! Meaning at this place in Tampa on 51st street ! Rob says he owns it and that is fine but Arron has let me know that Rob is spending a lot of the money I give him suposedly to be given to ARRON so it can be stacked up and pay the Taxes or something of that nature and Arron is under the assumption that you would be upset if you were to know he keeps getting money from Arron and the amount is dwindleing fast ! If you could Call me at your conveinience I would be in your GRATITUDE ! My home # is 813-304-1649 and my cell is 352-238-1990 ! If you do not want to talk to me that is fine to then I am very sorry if I bothered you in any way ! Sincerely Alfred A. Corradini Sr.
Daddy, not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and sassy.i can’t help myself but to miss you guys daily. I find myself getting a constant reminder of you guys everyday, weather it’s a smell or someone who just reminds me of y’all. I miss you guys with everything I have. And Iam so proud of you to be my dad. I know you never talked about the war but I continuously brag about how brave you were all the time. I will forever be dad’s little girl. I love you and hope to see you again.